The prejudice that was used against Tom Robinson in the book To Kill A Mockingbird. It uses the OJ Simpson trial to compare and contrast.

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Prejudice In Justice The case of Tom Robinson in the book To Kill A Mockingbird reminds me of a trial that actually occurred only a few years ago; that was the infamous OJ Simpson case. The two cases have many of the same traits, but ended up being very different. While the cases are a lot alike, there are some characteristics that are different. One major point of interest for me is the race of …

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…this case, but the evidence that was there pointed to his innocence. Tom Robinson was convicted of this crime because he was black. The OJ Simpson jury was also wrong. OJ was guilty of killing Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown but, was acquitted of the charges because he was a famous athlete and very wealthy. This shows how race and social status have and will probably always play a role in our country's justice system