The political atmosphere during the civil war

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Sectional Differences were very apparent long before the onset of the civil war. As the nation grew, disparities between the classes grew further. Politicians started to create parties that favored certain groups of people. The elite tried to further themselves from the working class and control the government. The ideals between the North and South didn't coincide. Sectional differences were bound to happen as America started to grow. <Tab/>The creation …

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…come to fester up in the Civil war. The U.S. was founded by people who wanted to escape persecution and also create a democratic nation where everyone could be judged equally. Numerous groups were formed because of these beliefs. These Revolutionaries were also hypocrites, because they escaped their country's because they felt like they were being persecuted by their rulers, but instead of uphold their values, they created the institution of slavery in America.