The point-of-view of John Updike's "A & P".

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"A & P" author John Updike did a wonderful job portraying the point of view in this short story. Webster's dictionary defines point of view as a position from which something is considered or evaluated. In this short story, first person point of view is used by the narrator. A nineteen year old boy who works at a grocery story called A & P is the protagonist. At such a young age, Sammy has a …

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…been able to convey the same information. Sammy's concern for the girls at the beginning of the story is limited, whereas at the conclusion he becomes attached and reacts in a way unseen for the situation. First person point of view creates vivid imagery used to describe the girls as a juvenile thought they were; not what everybody else thought. As Sammy shows his critical thoughts, the ironic ending shows that looks can be deceiving.