The play "cat on a hot tin roof" and the relationship between maggie, chip and brick

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Sexual Healing Modern western culture prides itself on progress and tolerance, and the sexual revolution is a clear and unavoidable reminder of this. In the media and in our lives, sexual expression, a few decades ago would have been condemned, is becoming more mainstream, yet homosexuality is still an uneasy topic for most to discuss. Although the acceptance of homosexuality has increased over the decades, some problems that were present a century ago still exist …

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…and how they feel about their sexuality. Biography 1.<Tab/>Bibler, Michael P.: "'A tenderness which was uncommon': homosexuality, narrative, and the Southern plantation in <Tab/>Tennessee Williams's Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." Mississippi Quarterly (55:3) 2002, 381-400. (2002) 2.<Tab/>Williams, Tennessee. The Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. New Directions Publishing Corporation. New York, 1975. 943-<Tab/><Tab/>984