The pharmacology and toxicology effects of ecstasy

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Essay Database > History
Ecstasy is a drug that became very popular by youths in the late 1980's. It was first discovered in the early 1900's by a German company called Merck. However, since he (who are you referring to? who is 'he?' your previous sentence talks about a company) did not market the drug nothing came of it. Ecstasy was than rediscovered in the early 1960's as a drug affective enhancer that could be used for patients …

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…it can have on them. Ecstasy produces hepatic, cardiovascular, cerebral and hyperpyrexic toxicities. All four of these toxicities are extremely harmful to the body and can potentially cause death. It is vital that youths are educated about the toxic affects of ecstasy so that they can make more informed choices when they decide to take a drug and so that they understand that the choices they make can be a choice between life and death.