The optimisms at the turn of the 20th century fostered a greater sense of nationalism for many reasons.

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Essay Database > History > World History
The optimism at the turn of the century foster a greater sense of nationalism in European and non-European countries for several reasons. The sharing of ideas made people proud of where they came from. If a good idea came from Britain, the British people were proud of their countries good idea. Racism also played somewhat of a role in the nationalism of a country. Another cause for nationalism at the turn of the century was …

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…no chance against the army of the "empire on which the sun never set," Great Britain. But it still sent a huge surge of nationalism throughout the African continent. In conclusion, the optimism at the turn of the century fostered a greater sense of nationalism because of racism, imperialism, and the technological advances made in the 19th century. It brought people with common interests to ban together and stand up to help out one another.