The novel, entitled GREAT EXPECTATIONS, was written by the remarkable Charles Dickens. My report tackles the overall view of the story including the characters & their backgrounds.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
GREAT ECXPECTTIONS By Charles Dickens SETTING: Kent, month of December MAJOR CHARACTERS: Phillip Pirrup- he was called "Pip" by everybody. He was an orphan who lived with his sister and his brother-in-law. Mrs. Joe Gargery- the elder sister of Pip who was not very affectionate. She has a very bad temper. Joseph Gargery-Pip's brother-in-law and friend Ms. Havisham- an immensely rich and grim old lady who lived in a big , neglected house Estella- a beautiful …

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…It was so selfish of her not to love! I would rate this book four (five the highest). It is because it could have been happier if Pip was able to marry the only woman she loved. They could have built their own family and raised their children in the house where they first met--- Ms. Havisham's mansion. The would renew the house... from a house full of anger, to a house full of love.