The novel "Possessing the Secret of Joy" by Alice Walker:The Different Types of Deaths Presented.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Death is a common theme in many works of Black American literature. Death goes hand in hand with the concept of an epiphany. Why would think that you ask well because before the main character dies physically he or she dies mentally, spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and socially. Many times the final physical death is just ascension from a naive state to a state of understanding and appreciation. Just as is with the stages of an …

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…she killed someone. In conclusion Tashi before she died physically she was long gone in many other ways. Emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and socially Tashi had passed on and it was when she physically died that she finally understood who she was and where she was from. She did not have anything else to live for because she was no longer there, she may have spoke to people laugh with people but inside she was gone.