The necessity of gun control.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Gun Control versus Easy Access Of Firearms Introduction Individual ownership of guns should be strictly supervised via gun control as this may reduce gun violence. Adults can kill each other in a moment of great anger. Young children have been known to have accidentally found their parents' gun with fatal consequences. Criminals will not be discouraged from using guns without stricter regulations. Guns, are far more lethal than knives or baseball bats, especially in the …

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…well as a tough clamp on lax gun store owners could discourage criminal ownership of firearms. In 1985, about 11,692 Americans were murdered by guns while about 1,580 were accidentally killed. These are not small statistics. Firearms, are lethal, especially in the wrong hands and the wrong circumstances. Both situations can't be guaranteed against and both have led to tragic endings. Legislation for stricter gun control can reduce the occurrence of such situations and hence reduce gun violence.