The narrative, "Girl with the Pearl Earring" by Tracy Chevalier, explores the limitations of women in the 17th century. Discuss.

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"A maid came free" The narrative explores the limitations of women in the 17th century. Discuss. Despite the 17th century being an age of development especially in the fields of art the barriers of class, economic status and gender prevailed. Griet's eight-pointed star symbolises the different pathways that she believed she had in life. However, throughout Tracey Chevalier's "Girl with the Pearl Earring" which was set in 17th century Delft, Chevalier attempts to dispel this …

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…the Pearl Earring". The way men were socially, domestically and all around superior contrasts well against the bleak oppression of women in the 17th century which Chevalier so clearly illustrates in "Girl with a Pearl Earring". [TO FIX: do not retell too much of the story in the first body paragraph. Discuss how Vermeer selfishly used his power to manipulate Griet into wearing his wife's pearl earring without considering the consequences (i.e Griet's dismissal).