The name Mary, and how it is used in the Koran

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The role that Mary has played in the history of religion is a topic that can be debated. According to the Koran, the only importance of Mary, is that she is undisputedly the mother of Jesus. Also, the only proper name of a woman to be used in the Koran, is the name, Mary (Maryam). However, she has never been referred to as the Virgin Mary in either the Bible or the Koran.1 This is …

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…Luke, chapters 1 & 2. 13. Arberry, pg. 79. 14. Class notes. 15. Parrinder, pg. 23-24. 16. The Holy Bible, Book of Mark. 17. Class notes. 18. Class notes. 19. Parrinder, pg. 26-28. 20. Class notes. 21. Parrinder, pg. 67. 22. Parrinder, pg. 29. Bibliography 1. Ali, A. Yusuf. The Holy Koran. Amana Corp. 1983. 2. Arberry, A. J. The Koran Interpreted. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996, pg. 77-79. 3. Parrinder, Geoffrey. Jesus in the Koran. Oxford: Oneworld, 1995, pg. 22-29 & 60-67. 4. The Holy Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1984. 5. Class lecture and notes from April 7, 1999