The moral state of Denmark in Hamlet.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
A Rotten State William Shakespeare's tragedy, Hamlet, is a story about a prince, Hamlet, who's father, King Hamlet, was murdered by his brother Claudius. Claudius then married Hamlet's mother making him the King of Denmark. Near the beginning of the play, an officer named Marcellus said: "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" (Act 1, Scene 5, ll. 90). This statement did indeed prove to be true, for there was much murder and vengeance going on at …

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…Laertes and used him as a weapon to kill Hamlet. (One does not need to be a genius to see very disastrous pattern here.) Hamlet ended killing Laertes and King Claudius. Thinks about that. The protagonist in this story killed five people! He was supposed to be the hero! As seen, murderous and vengeful attitudes as well as lies plagued this story proving Marcellus's words. There truly was "something rotten in the state of Denmark."