The misconceptions many people have about gay males.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Division and Classification Ricky Lopez Roberts 04/22/2002 Myth of the Gay Male On an Autumn trip out of town to Las Vegas, I decided I'd go over to a local coffeehouse I hadn't been to for years since I'd lived there. I stepped inside and noticed a few familiar faces, but no one I could rightfully put a name to. I felt a bit foolish as I was expecting some kind of reunion, but took it …

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…morals, and the way they hold themselves. Actions have always spoken much louder than words, as history has shown us. Someone shouldn't be classified to be someone they are not. Even in this modern day society, where we have so many laws to protect race, age, sex, and beliefs, there is a prejudice that's often overlooked and even condoned. Homophobia and misconceptions about homosexuals; is it the final prejudice of America to be fought over?