The midwestern farm

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Cary, John. The Social Fabric. Reading, Mass. Longhan Inc. 1999. The Midwestern Farm First let me start off by saying that the Author could have tried to make this essay a little more interesting. Yes, he had to talk about the dail chores of the men, women and children, but he made it so dull. Life in the Midwest was not dull, it was a time of excitement and intrigue and he could have incorporated this …

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…to go help the father. Sometimes male and female work overlapped and they would end up working together, usually doing butchering work. The author portrayed in a very good light what it was like back then on the farms. It was not fun or exciting work, and he did a good job on emphasizing upon this. It was however a lot of work and very demanding. The days were long and the nights were short.