The middle east and conflict there in.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Jews, one of the most frequently persecuted and discriminated against groups in the world, have possessed a strong desire to return to their Holy Land and create a homogenous state there since the first century. The movement to return to the Holy Land, Zionism, was described in Hebrew religious texts and praised as a puritanical pilgrimage. However, executing the repatriation proved a much more difficult task than the holy books professed it to be. …

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…and negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis, the fundamental nature of the conflict remains the same. The Palestinian Arabs still seek some form of repatriation and refuse to allow what is seen as their country to remain a Zionist state while the Israelis feel their country is rightfully and legally their own. Unfortunately, neither argument is more cohesive than the other and relations between the two have been so tense that conflict has been inevitable.