The meanings of life as suggested by Vonnegut in the "Sirens of Titan".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Through the ages philosophers have attempted to answer the question of the meaning of life. Why are we here? Far off is there a god or multiple gods controlling us for some greater plan? The human race will most likely ponder this question for the remainder of (human) life on earth, but to help us out, Kurt Vonnegut has thrown his own ideas out to the feeding frenzy of philosophical criticism. Vonnegut has put his …

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…purpose in our existence, we can give meaning to life by the way we lead it. Vonnegut implies many meanings of life in The Sirens of Titan, including freedom, love, and fate, but none so strong as that life is what you make of it. People will be used and fate will have its way, but ultimately meaning is given by our own actions. Vonnegut, Kurt. The Sirens of Titan. New York, NY: Delta Books, 1959.