"The marriage of Bertrande and Martin brings all sorts of advantages to the community but none to the couple." Discuss.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
As a result of their culture and beliefs, Martin Guerre and Bertrande de Rols were arranged to marry for the good of the community, the good of the two families and for the so-called good of each other. Throughout the novel, 'The Wife of Martin Guerre,' many advantages can be identified, which impact either the village, Bertrande or Martin, whether it be before their affection grew, as their affection grew, when Martin leaves home …

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…the community, from the uniting of the two families resulting in an increase in productivity to the guarantee of order to be present. The marriage of the couple has not only brought advantages to the community but to themselves, from a growth in affection for each other to the birth of their son, Sanxi, however with the advantages, such weaknesses or disadvantages were followed, particularly with the absence of independence, personal choice or free will.