The male/female relationships in the book "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The entire essay is based on the relationship between Celie and her abusive husband Albert or Mr.______, and shows how this relationship affects Celie throughout the novel. In the novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker, the male/female relationship is shown by Celie's life and the changes she experiences throughout the book .Celie, the main character, undergoes an inner transformation, from a submissive, abused wife to an unabashedly confident and independent black woman and …

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…Alphonso's warning that she "better not never tell nobody but God" about his abuse of her, Celie feels that the only way to persevere is to remain silent and invisible. Only by forcefully talking back to the men who abuse them and showing them a new way of doing things do the women of the novel break these cycles of sexism and violence, causing the men who abused them to stop and reexamine their ways.