The maintance of the coastline between the southport seaway and fingal headland on the Queensland coastline.

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4.0 Evaluation 4.1 Removal of all coastal management structures and allow natural processes to occur. The removal of all coastal management structures and the refurbishment of the coastal environment to the once famous unspoiled condition, would only meet criteria 1. The coastline would be able to return to its natural process, long shore drift, and result in maintaining the appropriate beach widths, which was examined in 3.1. Conversely, this strategy would result in further destruction of the existing natural …

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…the Gold Coast. This would include the natural foreshore zone that many Surf Lifesaving Clubs and infrastructures rely on. By continuing with the current sand bypass system and current management systems, beaches such as Burleigh Heads and Broadbeach will be disadvantaged. This occurs because the groyne at Kirra beach is constructing a build up of sand on the southern side of it, which prevents beaches north of Kirra to receive sand through long shore drift.