The lives of Mahatma Ghandi and Napoleon

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In Southern Africa, Mohandas Gandhi worked ceaselessly to improve the rights of the immigrant Indians. It was there that he developed his creed of passive resistance against injustice stayagraha, meaning truth and force, and was frequently failed as a result of the protests thathe led. Before Gandhi returned to India in 1915,he had radically changed the lives of Indiansliving in Southern Africa. When Gandhi arrived, itwas not long before he was taking the lead in …

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…would have been the military genius he was. The Duke of Wellington defeated him at his final battle and put him away for the rest of his life. Horatio Nelson stranded his fleet at Abukir and left him to fight the Syrians. Napoleon II was the son of Napoleon and Mary Louise. King Louis-Philippe had his remains returned to Paris and held a National burial and a great ceremony for Napoleon in 1840 at the Invalides.