The line in the sand

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A line. A simple, one-dimensional mark. It may be the edge of a square, the shortest distance between two points, or markings on the road. Lines, gentlemen, are boring yet useful tools in life. Right? Wrong! There is one line I would like to tell you about. If you were seen stepping over this line, it would result in your death on the spot, no questions asked. This is a line drawn in the sand. …

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…of the line. If we could just remember that both sides are on the same side of Earth, we would not have terrorism to fight today. We could all instead be living in peace and harmony. As the song says: We are a rock revolving around a golden Sun; We are 6 billion children rolled into one; Why should one baby feel so hungry as she cries? Lines in the sand bring saltwater to my eyes.