The life of Paul Wellstone

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Essay Database > Law & Government
On the afternoon of December 31, 1990 a grimy green bus roars up Constitutional Avenue and makes a stop at Capital Hill. Could this be a busload of hippies protesting the views of the government, a group of school children on a fieldtrip to see Capital Hill? No, it is Senator Paul Wellstone! On that December afternoon, Wellstone made his way to a platform mounted on the back of the bus and spoke: I wanted to come …

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…at your heels and won't be ignored, or the little voices in your head that won't be stilled and insist that you can do better. His unchanging belief that this world could be a better place and his determination to help make it thus will be miss by all. "Although I didn't agree much with Wellstone's political philosophy, I appreciated his willingness to confront his adversaries and do what he thought was right" (Harland AA6).