The life of Ernesto Galarza

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The struggles that Ernesto and his family had to endure on coming from an isolated community to a larger, unfriendly city forced Ernesto to look deep into his heart and realize that he wanted his children and family to have a better life than he did growing up. Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza, began with a description of child hood games and it ended with a description of the men leaving the village to find …

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…pursue his destiny to the best of his ability. On June 22, 1984 at the age of 79, Ernesto Galarza died in his San Jose home. Ernesto Galarza was a native of Mexico and a citizen of the United States. He embraced American culture but never abandoned his Mexican heritage. In doing so he contributed much to Chicano culture. His legacy still lives on today, as he touches the lives of so many. He will severely be missed.