The life of American author Washington Irving.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Washington Irving was a man of many accomplishments; he was a writer and diplomat who earned fame both at home and overseas. His writings would become the first American Literature classics which paved the way for American writers. Washington Irving was born in New York City, near present day Wall Street, on April 3, 1783. Irving was born into an overall prosperous household where he was the youngest of 11 children. Only eight of the eleven children would …

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…less than a year from his death. In the later part of his life he lived at ease with income coming from his books. He was known to throw lavish party and entertain guest who came to see him. Washington died at his home in Sunnyside on November 28, 1859, surrounded by his family. He was buried on a mild day on December 1 in the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery at the old Dutch Church in Tarrytown, New York.