The importance of setting in Herman Hesse's Siddhartha

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Setting is an important aspect of any novel or literature, as it can greatly affects the different factors that contribute to the overall story, such symbolism, tone, and imagery. In Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, the protagonist Siddhartha ventures on his search and quest for knowledge and encounters many new and different settings These setting hold not only importance individually, but as a group collectively, serving to provide insight about the author's purpose and effect he …

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…as the actual settings themselves is easily evident through his desire to fortify the effect of the novel. The setting of Siddhartha is an aspect that simply cannot be ignored, as it plays a much larger factor than first conceived. It is the setting that sets the basic elements of Siddhartha's journey to become Enlightened, and without the various stages and different scenes, Siddhartha would not have been able to become the great Buddha himself.