The importance of being organized.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Being organized is vital. Being organized makes life easier, makes it less likely to lose things and saves a lot of time. Three examples will show you why. It is essential for many important things like school or works, and even everyday things, like doing bills or remembering events. First of all, Organization can prove to be helpful, making life easier. It's 6 o'clock in the morning; both Bill and Ted are already running late for …

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…first example about Bill and Ted, Ted has time to stop for coffee and still arrive at work on time. Bill wasn't organized. He couldn't stop for coffee, and barely got to work on time. Ted saved himself a lot of time, simply because he was organized. In conclusion, being organized can makes helpful contributions towards several areas in life. It is imperative in life and becomes easier and easier the more it is practiced.