The impact of nuclear testing on the Australian environment

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The impact of British nuclear tests in Australia, as well as the government funded uranium mines which operated from the 1950's through to the early 1970's (the most notorious of these mines being Rum Jungle) has had a significant impact on the Australian environment and has caused long term damage to water systems, wildlife and plant life. In order to understand why Britain undertook nuclear tests in Australia and why the Australian government helped to …

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…pp.85-107 ibid, p.109 Mudd, G.M, Uranium Mining in Australia: Environmental Impact, Radiation Releases and Rehabilitation, (Jabiru, 2003)pp 185-196 Milliken, Robert, 'No Conceivable Injury: The Story of Britain and Australia's Atomic Cover-Up, (Melbourne: Penguin, 1986)pp 93-98 Saunders, Malcolm; Summy, Ralph, The Australian Peace Movement: A Short History, (Canberra, Australia National University, 1986)p 31 ibid, p.35 ibid, p.45 Hutton, D.; Connors,. A History of the Australian Environment Movement (Canberra, 1999) p137 ibid. pp17-18 ibid. pp141-143