The impact of globalisation on business.

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Pages: 23
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
1. INTRODUCTION. Advancement in transportation and information technologies has opened up the world to lucrative business opportunities. Many companies no longer confine their business domestically but reach out globally in search of better profits. When a company conducts business across national boundaries, it is participating in international business. International business paves the way for globalisation. Ball et al. (2004) found that globalisation can be defined in many ways but broadly globalisation occurs when an entity (government, company, …

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…d.), viewed on 6 August 2004, <http://www.>, pp. 1-2. 33.<Tab/>Wages and productivity (n.d.), viewed on 6 August 2004, < wdi2000/tab2_6.pdf>. 34.<Tab/>Welcome 2003, viewed on 14 July 2004, < html>, p. 1. 35.<Tab/>Yap, D 2003, 'Texchem on expansion path', The Star, 7 June.