The impact of family violence from an intergenerational perspective & Rational Emotive approach used to assist a client with a history of family violence.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
1.The impact of family violence from an intergenerational perspective. Family violence is an issue that has been around since the beginning of time. Family violence is not biased against culture, gender, or age, and only recently has it has become recognized as a social problem. The woman's movement of the nineteen-seventies helped organize an uprising of shelters to protect battered women and children. An increase of police reports of family violence also heightened public and …

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…will help him stay rational and conscious of his anger and actions. In conclusion, in short term he will have learned what his irrational beliefs were, and why they caused him to get angry and react. He will have learned rational beliefs that will help him to be consciously aware, and to confront his anger in a constructive way. His life will become less stressful, and he might even save his job and his marriage.