"The hours" by Michael Cunningham.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The ripples of influence wash forward in time. From the ravaged, brilliant mind of Virginia Woolf in 1923, to the printed page in 1925, to the young, timid, unsteady hands of a California housewife in the 1950s, to the thoroughly modern, hardened eyes of a New York City businesswoman. Three women whose lives are mysteriously linked by the printed page, but also by shared thoughts and passions. Three stories bound tightly together--eventually--on the screen, as inspired by …

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…sexual). In Laura and Virginia's cases, small children watch their mothers engage in these perverse encounters. * violent content: Three suicides. One is a drowning. Another is a long fall from a high-rise apartment window. The third, while not carried out, is at first shown as if it is successful. It involves pills, but is symbolically depicted as a drowning similar to Virginia's. None of the scenes are gory or explicit, but all are intensely drawn.