"The history of the poor in Australia reveals that state interventions to ameliorate poverty are misguided."

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Introduction History on the poor in Australia has been widely discussed and debated amongst academics, particularly economic historians, charities and the state. Each perspective differing, as too does their representations of state interventions to alleviate poverty. Many academics past and present have attempted to critically examine the states response to poverty in the hope, perhaps to identify the effects and causes to come up with real solutions to poverty. Poverty is an overwhelming problem mankind …

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…A. and Nocella, L. (1998), 'The Sociology of Social Problems: Theoretical Perspectives and Methods of Intervention', Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Dickey, B. (1982) 'No Charity There: A Short History of Social Welfare in Australia', Sydney: Allen & Unwin (excerpts) Jamrozik, A in Study Guide AMC 3002 'State Intervention' 2004, School of Arts, Media and Culture,, Griffith University, Brisbane Roe, J. (1976) 'Leading the world? 1901 - 14' in J. Roe (ed.) Social Policy in Australia: Some Perspectives, 1901 - 1975, Stanmore: Cassell