The history of Texas.

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Texas history itself had its own amazing story. The small number of American settlers moved to the land of Texas had led to the dramatic war with the Mexicans. The land of Texas was used to be owned by Mexicans. Due to the argument between Texans and Mexicans caused the battle of San Jacinto and Mexican War. In long ago before American settlers moved to Texas, this place was so rich and an abundance of …

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…Rio Grande as southern boundary of Texas. They gave up California and New Mexico to United States of America. U.S. government gave the Mexican 15 millions for territory lands. After the dramatic war between Texans and Mexicans, Texas actually became a state. The ugly vision of Texas in 1850s had transformed to beautiful, rich, and large state in the United States of America. After 1845, more settlers moved there. The population of Texas had expanded rapidly.