The hippie generation, It's remarkable effect on Canadian History, and how it has shaped our society into the way it has become today.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The hippie era was a time of change. Society did nott understand the hippie generation; therefore they started to fear them. Parents began to feel that this counter-culture was a bad influence on the youth; therefore they started to discriminate against them. The hippie culture had a whole different outlook on life and society, oppose to the previous generations. They believed in peace, love, freedom, and had a great amount of respect not only for …

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…gt;Stone. "Sex, Love and Hippies." 19.<Tab/>Stone. "Hippy Activism." 20.<Tab/>Betty Wason, Ellen. (New York: Reader's Digest, 1976.) 151. 21.<Tab/>Ibid. 35. 22.<Tab/>Gottlieb Annie, Do you believe in magic? (New York: Simon & Schuster INC, 1988) 171, 172 23.<Tab/>Ibid. 173 24.<Tab/>Ibid 25.<Tab/>Ibid. 176. 26.<Tab/>Ibid. 179.