The heart of darkness

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Everyone has a heart of darkness. We all have the potential to be uncivilized and hurt each other, no matter whether we come from "civilization" or not. Prejudice and racism are powerful and present in our lives, whether we like it or not. Conrad is saying that if we do not realize this, we will continue the uncivilization. Through Conrad's first person point of view, we are allowed to see one man's view of what …

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…powerful and hurtful feelings. Conrad speaks a strong message that points us to look into our won hearts and evaluate if there is that darkness. As young people today, we are often stereotyped to be the most self-centered beings on the face of the earth, but, in reality, everyone has that tendency. So we need to have awareness of our flaws, and to therefore make changes in our behavior. Maybe we can learn from Conrad.