The heart of any nation is its economy.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
Jamie Milliser Jan. 31, 2002 "The heart of any nation is its economy." The heart of any nation is its economy. An economy consists of all activity in a nation that affects the production, distribution, and use of goods and services. There are four different types of economic systems tradition, command, market, and mix. A pure tradition economy is based on tradition and what was done in the past. In a pure command economy the individual has …

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…insure that the people benefit not just one person. However, with so much government control there is room for some aspects of a market economy. The people of Van Bernstein have free will in the way of buying and selling of goods. The people are allowed to use their money in their own way and they are able to change their own occupation. This blending of these two different economies reveals the mixed economic system.