The handsomest drowned man- examples of realism throughout the story

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Marquez's story is representative of the genre of magic realism. This type of work is very imaginative and fun-loving. It can also be meant as "pleasant realism" or a joke upon it, suggesting a new type of fiction--one where we can appreciate, learn, and grow. Basically, it is about a town that finds the body of a dead man wash ashore. He is a stranger to those parts, and being the people they were, the …

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…town finding a dead body at shore. People may clean the body and then dispose of it once again, but not with the detail or to the extent that the townspeople in the story did with Esteban. Because of the extent the author goes into, it made me question many ideas. The story toys with a realistic idea, adding facts mixed with fiction, tall tale, and folklore, to create a new genre of literature--magic realism.