The growth of lambs: Does the number of lambs per ewe affect their rate of growth?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Aim: The aim of my investigation is to see which lamb grows the best and fastest out of single, twin or triplet. Input variable: Number of lambs per ewe. Output variable: Growth rate (weight of lambs) Other variables: housing, how much food for the ewe, size of ewe, the sex of it, if castrated, the breed of it. I will make it a fair test by feeding all the ewes the same food and giving …

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…can see that the Texal wether triplet was the heaviest, closely followed by the Texal wether single. I didn't expect a triplet to be the heaviest. I don't know why this happened. This is a graph to show how the age, breed and weather they are single, twin or triplet affects the weight. This graph is of a Texel ewe triplet with a letter. Diagram of weight create: A eveluation will need to be added!!