The greatest Canadian

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Essay Database > History
The greatest Canadian When it comes to Canadian Prime Ministers, few accomplished so much in so little time as Lester B Pearson. During his five years in office Pearson oversaw the introduction of the Canada Pension Plan, a national system of universal Medicare, the Commission on bilingualism and biculturalism, and the Maple Leaf Flag. And, he did it all without ever winning a majority government. In addition to his two terms as Canada's 14 th prime …

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…the last 50 years. His time in office was described as "an exciting turning point in Canadian political history; his legacy in domesticpolicy was called "transformational". Many have identified Pearson solely with his introduction of peacekeeping. But history shows that the passionate and pragmatic Mike was a sportsman and soldier, intellectual and statesman, politician and prime minister. His long record of achievement is all evidence of his unswerving pursuit of the path of idealism in action.