The great reform movement

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
The late Qing reforms introduced by the Empress Dowager in the decade following the Boxer Rebellion were highly significant in leading China into a more modern nation. The several reforms shaped the numerous aspects of Chinese society. The reforms that were instituted fueled the fire that led to the Wuhan Rebellion in 1911 and the fall of the Qing. <Tab/>The major reforms that were introduced by the Empress dowager after the …

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…its Government inception. China has had a great history of changing dynasties and communism will eventually end. A new form of government will eventually rise because it is only a matter of time until Communism dies out in China and a new political party is resurrected. Bibliography Jonathon Spence, The Search for Modern China London: W.W Norton and Company Inc, 1999 Ssu-yu Teng and John K. Fairbank China's Response to West London: Harvard University Press 1982