The great depression.

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Essay Database > History > World History
THE GREAT DEPRESSION "What attempts were made to try and solve the problem of the Great Depression in Australia and why did they have so little success?" The Great Depression of the 1930s is a time that will always be remembered around the world as the worst economic slump ever to affect the US, and consequently the rest of the industrialised world. The Depression brought with it many ramifications such as a huge drop in …

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…peoples lives were affected and changed forever as a direct result of the mass unemployment, wage and profit reductions and bankruptcies that caused the government to bicker and debate over which was the better solution to this worldwide catastrophe. BIBLIOGRAPHY  Disher G; Australia Then and Now; 1987 Oxford University Press.  Mackinolty J; The Deprsssion Decade in Australia;1974 Reed Education.  Mason K J; Experience of Nationhood; 1992 McGraw-Hill Book Company.  Moss P; History Scene; Collins Educational.  Other handouts.