The graying of Japan

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Doing Business in the Pacific Basin. Japan is facing rapid population aging. It is not new, of course, that Japan's population is growing older -- it has the lowest birthrate of any developed nation, almost no immigration and one of the longest-living populations. By the year 2025, the proportion of those 65 and over will be highest in Japan, followed by Italy and Hong Kong. Among all the industrial nations, Japan will be the oldest in the …

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…the country, but adds that an inflow of immigrants on a scale that would make up for the declining working population would have a "major impact" on a nation that has always exhibited distrust and xenophobia towards outsiders. Perhaps Japan may need to set aside its attempt to preserve ethnic purity and ease its immigration policies. It may be the only choice that they have to counter problems brought upon by the graying of Japan.