The good life

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
As used originally by the ancient Greeks, the term philosophy meant the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake. The term philosophy is often used popularly to mean a set of basic values and attitudes toward life, nature, and society-thus the phrase "philosophy of life." Western philosophy is considered generally to have begun in ancient Greece as speculation about the underlying nature of the physical world. In its earliest form it was indistinguishable from natural …

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…end of the 19th century the reaction against Neo-Confucian metaphysics took a different turn. Instead of confining themselves to textual studies, Confucian scholars took an active interest in politics and formulated reform programs based on Confucian The Chinese Communist victory of 1949 underlined the uncertain future of Confucianism and Taoist. Many religious-baised traditions were put aside. Few religious classics were published, and official campaigns against Confucianism were organized in the late 1960s and early '70s.