The good daughter - high school book essay real helpful;l

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************** Ms. Penn English 11, Period 3 September 28, 2004 Summary Writing <Tab/>In the article The Good Daughter written by Carline Hwang, the author addresses her experience as the child of immigrants and how she was brought up to be American. She had dreams of her own, but her parents had dreams for her too. She had to follow the dreams that her parents had to. They worked so hard to come into this country …

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…then it was for her friends. She ended up going to school for five years for her Ph.D. in English literature, but she was not happy with what she was doing, so she left school. Her parents were dissappointed. This concludes that coming from a family of immigrants they knew they were coming to this country for opportunities, but wouldn't imagine that their daughter would be torn that she couldn't pronounce her own name.