The first story of creation, the Ten Commandments, and the holy covenant between God and Abram.

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The first story of creation is written by the Priest "P", in 450 B.C. "P" functions as both author and editor - arranging the order for which we read the texts. The second story of creation was written by the Yahwist "J" in 950 B.C. "J" was a scribe of the court of Solomon in Jerusalem. "P's" version of the first story of creation impresses upon the reader God's power, fertility, that the creation was …

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…years old. God tells him, "I will maintain my covenant with him as an everlasting pact, to be his God and the God of his descendants after him" (Gen 17:19). It is this pattern of promise that repeats itself throughout the Bible. It is the pattern that keeps the 'story' going. The promise, while it takes the form of a covenant, also provides foreshadowing and numerous etiologies for numerous myths that occur in our society today.