The first Olympic Games

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The first Olympic Games were held in 776 B.C. at Olympia hence, the name Olympics. There is a common confusion about the name Of Olympia. The Greeks gods lived on Mount Olympus argued peak in Thessaly, in Northern Greece. The sanctuary of Olympia, where the Games were held, lies in Southern Greece, in the claw shaped peninsula known as the Peloponnesus. Olympia's name echoes the mountains, to emphasize its sanctity (Perrottet, 2004, p.8). For five hectic …

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…the Olympics. The Olympics and the Greeks set the foundation for Western Civilization. The struggles, the perseverance, and the longing for knowledge and greatness that were present in the Olympics and Greece can be in nearly all Western Civilization today. Greek history has been very influential for today's sports society. The creation of the Olympics Games made possible the opportunity for athletes around the world to show their abilities and their love for the sport.