The fertility decline in Latin

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Fertility decline among young Latinas are largely due to the assimilation into American lifestyle, values and attitudes concerning cost of childbearing, which become the means that illustrate the general theory of fertility transition among young Latinas. Research shows that American-born Latinas have a much lower fertility rate than that of immigrant Latinas in the state of California. Organizations like Planned Parenthood note that Latinas today have more access to a wider variety of contraceptives, and …

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…can be categorized to a culture factor. American culture promotes the trend of lower fertility rate, because Latinos are increasing their options of life-styles, just like everybody else; they want to enjoy life as well. Moreover, Latinas also come to understanding that they must insure a quality life for their children. They want to have their children to be educated. They do not want to see the hardship that they experienced repeating on their children.