The failure of the Reconstruction, following the civil war.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The twelve-year time period after the Civil War, also known as the Reconstruction, was considered by many people to be a failure. Although the two main goals of the reconstruction, giving blacks civil rights, and re-uniting the Confederate and Union states, were met, they weren't stretched out to completion, and at the end, left blacks worse off than they were beforehand. During the Reconstruction, northerners finally helped the blacks get their civil rights. Due to …

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…because of the continuous discrimination that was present in day-to-day life. They still were not equals with the white men, and were looked down upon even by people who tried to help them in the first place. Though the Union was, once again, whole, it was not without many problems. There was bitterness between the South and North, that was present before the Reconstruction took place, and the government was no better off afterwards, either.