The expectation in Asian Countries: research paper.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Everyone knows that family is the most important thing any individual can ever have in his/her life. It's practically the main element to make a person whole, because having no family can be very destructive. In a young mind, a family is mainly considered to be having a mother, a father, and siblings that'll love you forever with having no problems at all. That is shown to be the "light" side of the image …

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…until after my first recital that I never wanted to play again. Because my parent kept pushing me to play every night, which I didn't want to do, and that they won't let me leave the piano until I improve. So finally, I told my parents that I didn't want to play anymore. It was hard to say it to them, but in the end, they understood that I never was into playing the piano.