The expansion of technology in society

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
<Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>Technological Societies <Tab/> The expansion of technology in society increases the division of labor, mobility, and equality of its members. This statement seems quite accurate to me, especially as we keep progressing and developing new ways of imporving the way we …

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…more "...Even where society relies most completely upon the division of labor, it does not become a jumble of juxtaposed atoms, between which it can establish only external, transient contacts. Rather the members are united by ties which extend deeper and far beyond the short moments during which the exchange is made. Each of the functions that they excercise is, in a fixed way, dependent upon others, and with them forms a solidary system." (1933, p. 226)