The essay is on Charles Dickens' novel, "A Tale of Two Cities". It describes the theme, "People must retore into a new life by sacrificing, instead of follwing the path of hatred and murder."

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Restored Into a New Life The ever so popular novel, The Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, takes place in France and England during the seventeen hundreds at the start of the French Revolution. While nobles are savoring the bountiful, rich life peasants roam the streets hungry and homeless. Some of the nobles' selfish and apathetic behaviors cause them to abuse their power to punish and adulterate the lives of the destitute. As the …

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…causes people to suffer in society creating the reality of hell. Yet they can transform all of that and try to find harmony in the midst of war. To earn salvation society must learn to sacrifice for themselves and others. Just like in the story, Dr. Manette's family was able to find peace and salvation through love and sacrifice. Together as family and friends they can now lead on into a better and brighter future.